This post is just a list of chapters under the "Girl I Know" series
The main plot of this silly masterpiece of mine since *gasp* 2010 was about the life of a girl who shares her feelings as a high school/college student and all the shenanigans
aka I suck at summaries I am so sorry
so ummm, enjoy reading this? thank you very much ♥
And this would be her mantra until one day in June, no maybe July, ugh August to September--- she doesn't know anymore because she didn't know when did it started to change but it is definitely changing and its creeping her out. And at the end of September she doesn't know what to define those weird feelings are anymore.
Two weeks after the scenario at the dance practice the actual performance day happened and the week before that the girl discovered how that guy was so ridiculously good at almost everything he do, hence calling him the jack of all trades, as the girl would describe it. The weekend following the dance performance the girl and the little guy would have a picture together (along with the handsome guy with the curly hair and the intelligent guy, much to the girl's delight) and would turn out to be friends with a little help of this little friendly girl (which the little guy likes) by the end of the school year. At April they would start texting each other and by May the little guy, along with the girl with the glasses, the little friendly girl, and the soon-to-be Architecture student would be joining the girl on celebrating her birthday. By June the girl and her friends would notice how the little guy starts to grow taller and taller and it would leave them surprised (sort of)
By October, out of sheer confusion and frustration she had asked the Heavens Above for a sign, that if she's still feeling the same set of emotions by November it is definitely the thing, which the girl was terrified of happening. No it couldn't be, no no no. And a week or two after asking the sign to the Heavens Above she'll know what the thing is by some sick game of Truth of Dare. It is. Fucking hell. And said thing was love. The fucking thing that she's feeling was love. love love love love love love And the whole realization hurts.
And so the practice for said fair had started and it took all of the girls (and her classmates) strength to the point of the girl getting ill and so tired at the end of the day she could fall asleep sitting. And a whole week was spent into said practices until one Saturday they decided to go into a place far from her house and is near the city hall/ flea market.
The practice area was on a wide open place with no roof (with the trees being the immediate shade you'll get) hence making the late morning/noontime heat even unbearable and no chairs to sit on (only the bricks under the trees), then add the new steps and it became atrocious.
Throughout the afternoon, as they get the new steps and all the jazz the instructor told the girls to rest and they watched the boys danced for their lives (its an exaggeration but well)
And then the girl noticed the way the little guy who looks like 12 dance and well.... shit
Said guy was so good at dancing it was ridiculous
ridiculously good.
He was so good at it the girl ended up slightly cheering for him and gush about how great it is. It continued until they're about to go home and she ended up looking for the little guy that leads to her small friend's response of "ow you have a crush on him, eh?"
To which the girl vehemently disagreed (because she's just... not)