Monday, August 30, 2010

little miss bored... yet another meme/survey or whatever it is.

Okaaaay I saw this on LJ, and as usual, I'm bored.

Finish the sentences:

1. I've come to realize that my ex is: uh I don't have an ex!

2. I am listening to: the sound of our air-con :D

3. I talk: like a maniac. Like I could speak nonstop.

4. I love: David Cook and his royal hotness. (obviously)

5. I have: a nail-cutter, an iPod, and a pen in-front of me right now.

7. I lost: that goddamned notification earlier on facebook. errrr.

8. I hate it when: I got low grades.

9. Love is: everywhere, even if you're under the rock XD

10. Marriage is: complicated? I'm too young for that.

11. Somewhere: Something epic will happen to that someone, and that someone will be something somewhere. XD XD

12. I'll always be: your baby. loljk. :))

13. I have a crush on: nothing. geez.

14. The last time I cried was: last week? IDK.

15. My cell phone is: so old fashioned. period.

16. When I woke up this morning: I was like WTF its too earlyyy!

17. Before I go to sleep at night I: will fix things for tomorrow. :|

18. Right now I am thinking about: what to do right now.

19: Babies are: the cutest things ever :D

20. I get on myspace: for.... never. I don't have one.

21. Today I: watched Ratatouille for the third time. Linguini is ♥.♥

22. Tonight I will: sleep. hah.

23. Tomorrow I will: Rant about how shitty school is.

24. I really want to: do something, like.... dress girly or shit.

25. The person who's most likely to repost this: the bored ones, like me. duh. :))

And btw, September is around the corner! yay! :DDD

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