Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I don't know why

but all of a sudden, I feel so empty.

I feel so lonely without really knowing the reason why

I want to cry but there are no tears to fall

I feel like my heart was crushed into pieces and pieces

Oh dear, of all the people, why that one?

It could have been a longtime acquaintance 

Or someone way better


Why? why oh why?

Why is that person capable of making me feel this way?

To make me feel happy

To make me feel like crap

To... make me feel this crappy feeling I wasn't keen on feeling at this very moment

And with that,

I fucking hate that person. I fucking hate the fact that he/she make me feel like absolute crap

Make me feel like I am the ugliest person ever

Make me feel so worthless.

I fucking hate that person so much, right now.

... Except that it was the complete fucking opposite at times. 

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