Saturday, April 03, 2010


Hey fellas! Sorry if I didn't come here frequently, for the main reason that I'm busy lately and had no idea what to write here. Summer already kicked off, finally, so I can enjoy doing whatever I want to do for the next two months, and when June approaches, that means I'm going to enter the senior year (ZOMG) and suffer for the next ten months again. haha.
Today is Black Saturday, that's why it's sooooooooo quiet at our place (and in the neighborhood. hah.). This week is a busy week for us, because it's holy week. (to those non-Christians, holy week was the week where in us Catholics 'reflect' and 'relive' the sufferings of Jesus Christ for mankind), and our household was full of guests almost the whole week. And I've got to have fun with my cousins and my niece. :))

I have this whole "I-am-so-bored-right-now" thing I wrote here to wrote about... nothing, I think? and before I leave I'm going to leave this picture y'all! :))

Still my most favorite picture of David Cook. Ever. :) ♥

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