Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hi there Sunshine!

Hi blogger! sorry If I am nor posting here lately, solely for the reasons that I have nothing to share something epic lately, because I've been stuck-ed at home now. Y'know? vacation. Summer, 2 months of putting those goddamn mathematics and thinking about homeworks or to be messed up because of a guy~ if only. haha.

Lately I've been looking back at all the things happened on the past two months. I dunno, but I think I've been so pathetic it's so hard to look back at it. It's extremely embarrassing and weird. I mean... gah. It's just weird and pathetic. Someone please slap a pan on my head please.

heh. Also lately, Leon James Dewyze of Idol is making my fangirl heart squee into several angles. I mean, I dunno, there is just something special about him. There is a side of him that reminds me of David Cook. A LOT. It may sound dramatically pathetic but.... Whatever.

I'm going to end this now. I dunno what to say more. Maybe about..... Yikes! :P

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