Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 3 and 4: Teenage Issues

Day 03 - Your views on drugs and alcohol.

For me, drugs and alcohol addiction or whatever were only used by people who thinks they can't surpass their problems or can't live with the reality. I mean, yeah, drugs are used for medication, pain relievers, etc, but sometimes, they think that it could also be solution for them to escape reality, so is the alcohol. I really don't understand why some people are getting addicted to it honestly. They think it could resolve everything but they doesn't seem to realize that they're just making their issues worse.

And as far as I know, most alcoholic beverages have a bad taste.


Day 04 - Your views on religion.

I believe in everything that is said on our Holy Book as a Roman Catholic. Also, growing up on a God-centered family, I was raised on believing about the words of God. As a catholic, We always go to the church on Sunday, and knows the ten commandments.

As a catholic, and living on a still conservative country, the issues about gay marriage/relationships was still controversial. Also about the reproductive health thing thingy. I am not saying that I am completely disagreeing over these, but there are just times that I can't help but to question those things. But I still respect what are their decisions otherwise.

I feel like I wasn't able to explain it properly. I'm sorry.

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